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Introducing the ACORN Fund
A New Way for OVM Staff to help one another in times of need

Because Ohio Valley Manor prides itself on being A Caring Organization Recognizing Need, the ACORN Fund was created to help OVM Employees who are facing a financial crisis due to an unexpected emergency. We "Feed the Fund" in a number of ways, including automatic paycheck withdrawals, fundraisers, t-shirt sales, and more. Recipients of ACORN funds may be nominated by another OVM Employee or self-submitted by using the online ACORN Application or downloading the PDF version located below.


  • Nominate yourself or a co-worker by filling out the ACORN Fund application.

  • ACORN Fund applicants must be facing an unexpected emergency they had no control in preventing and require assistance with basic needs (i.e. food, clothing, shelter, medical expenses, etc.).

  • Help "Feed the Fund" by signing up to auto-donate $2 every paycheck.

  • Volunteer to serve on the ACORN Fund Committee to plan fundraising events and determine recipients.

  • Show your support by purchasing an ACORN t-shirt to wear on designated dress-down days, such as during National Nursing Home Week and the first Wednesday of every month.

Funded by Employees for Employees, the ACORN Fund is an easy way for OVM Employees to receive aid when facing an emergency.

For more information, feel free to contact
Human Resources.


  • Must be an unexpected emergency

  • The Employee had no control in the event happening

  • Employee needs assistance with basic needs (i.e. food, clothing, shelter, medical expenses)

  • Employee is active and in Good Standing

  • Employee has worked at least 390 hours in the past 12 months

  • Employee will be required to provide evidence that the emergency exists if requested by the Committee

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